Aleksandar and Tanja Popovic

Aug 20th, 2018

We knew Ellis from High school and when the time came to sell our condo we called him. He knew exactly what to do in order to maximize our time and to get the most amount of dollars from the sale. We SOLD the condo in 1 day, broke the record in the building for the highest SOLD ever. It did not stop there! Ellis also found a beautiful townhouse within days, won the bidding war and completely took care of all the stress and worries that we had. I know it sound like a dream but give him a call and find out for yourself. Loyal friend and 100% professional Realtor!

APAleksandar and Tanja Popovic

Pankaj & Smita Nalavade

Feb 15th, 2020

Whoever is looking at this post I have just one thing to say ........ There are about Fifty thousand Real estate brokers out there and then there is Ellis Devedzic. Trust me on this one, I am not saying I know Ellis since my childhood but I know him from only a month and a half ago. Within this period, he has achieved to win a couple of properties for us in the heart of Mississauga where the bidding wars are crazy as hell and where you know you don't stand a chance with your financial limitations.

In Summary, Ellis is a Phenomenon and he is the best person I have met and as a  Professional on whom you can rely to manage the deals.

Thanks, Ellis for making the impossible possible for us :)

PNPankaj Nalavade

Cynthia & Andrew Freire

Aug 9th, 2018


We would like to send you a heartfelt thanks for all that you have done to help us purchase our first home. We can't thank you enough for your honesty, guidance, integrity and kindness. You are a true gem in your profession and much more than just real estate agent. Thank you for treating us like family. We are so greatful to share this experience with you and hope we will have a good cooperation in future. Thank's a lot! 



AFAndrew Freire

Ashley and Matt

Aug 9th, 2018

Thank you so much for helping us get this home! We put our trust completly into you and you did it - the endless phone calls and the tenacious attitude in negoiating the best price for us! :) 

We are thankful for you and all your hard work! Dreams come TRUE when you have Ellis Real Estate Group! (it's suppose to rhyme)

 Much love to you and your family. 

MFMatthew Freire

John P.

Aug 8th, 2018

Excellent professional service from Ellis Real Estate Group. I bought my condo in a couple of days and I'm more than satisfy. Recommended! 

JPJohn Parthl


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