Make A Budget! Obviously many of the items in the checklist involve finances and, more particularly, how to make sure you are fiscally ready for a new home. Long before you sign mortgage papers, see how much you can afford, look at what will and will not work budget-wise for your family and make a budget that is realistic!

Get Pre-Approved! Essentially, one of the very first things you want to do before ever shopping for a home is get pre-approved for a mortgage. Without this part of the parcel intact there is really no sense in even getting the ball rolling on buying a home in the first place. Make sure you get pre-approved before starting to shop.

Start Shopping! Clearly we gave away the fifth item in our list in the fourth bullet point. That is, again, start looking for a new home! The internet can of course can be an excellent means of shopping, but so too can driving around the neighborhoods you are looking at, cold calling realtors and stomping the pavement on route to the new home of your dreams.

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To sell your home quickly, price it competitively. And be ready to lower the price if you don’t have any offers by a certain date.

Clean the whole house, remove clutter, and hide personal items so buyers can picture themselves in the space.

Boost the curb appeal to make the right first impression. Clear away the cobwebs, paint the front door, and plant flowers.Offer terms that might sweeten the deal for buyers—such as paying part of the closing costs.

Eddy D.

Aug 9th, 2018

5 Star Service and Knowledge. We've bought and sold a few homes with ELLIS and if it wasn't for him, we would have LOST everyone of the houses we wanted to buy. All of them went into bidding wars and he made it happen EVERY TIME for us! When it came to selling our homes, he always got us TOP dollar and went over and beyond to get us the most amount of money for our homes. I would 100% recommend ELLIS to anyone looking to BUY,SELL, or buy an INVESTMENT property. He has helped my family multiple times and he will for yours too. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!! 


EDEddy Devedzic

Zinaida Imamovic

Aug 8th, 2018

Ellis Real Estate Groupe is truly awsome!

ZIZinaida Imamovic

Family Misita

Aug 16th, 2018

We did our research before choosing the right realtor. We bought and sold through Ellis. Ellis is very knowledgeable and very professional he definitely has exceptional knowledge of current realestate market and trends. Ellis was with us every step of the way, went above and beyond in finding the right house for us and selling ours. We will definitely recommend him to all our friends, family and those buying or selling realestate. 
Thank you for all your hard work.

VMValentina Misita

Petar Kovacevic

Aug 8th, 2018

Truly  a professional! The moment we met he knew exactly what to do and how to position my property to get the top dollar in the market place. Our expectation was high but he and his team delivered more than we expected. At that time our neighbourhood had many homes on the market and we have managed to sell in short period of time. At the same time we were looking for a specious condominium apartment that will fit our large family needs. Within days they have found the solution and we were negotiating our new place. I truly believe that they can deliver all real estate transactions and strongly recommend their services.

PKPetar Kovacevic

Nino Mazzara

Mar 9th, 2020

Ellis was very professional and is the only one that actually firmed up my deal. I would highly recommend Ellis and his Team! Thank you.

NMNino Mazzara


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